Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's nice to be home.

Today is the 23rd of January. We have been here a little over two weeks, but it certainly does not feel that way. It went pretty fast. Driving around town now feels almost second nature...which is crazy considering what a bigger city this is compared to Manhattan!

Justin starts classes in the morning, and I have...not so much to do. Oy. The job search is tedious and requires a lot of God-given patience. Justin is also actively looking, but has school to also focus on. All I know is I have a Bachelor's, and have filled out A WHOLE BUNCH (technical term) of applications to big girl jobs. God's got my hand in His though, because the message I have been seeing/hearing (basically since we got all types of facets....)is that delay is always for a greater reason. He is a great God with a master schedule, and will use me in a huge way when the time is right. I am super anxious to see what that will be (and when), but my free time right now is to draw closer to Him and listen.

I have taken pictures since we got here, but alas...left the camera cord in a storage box somewhere, and won't get the opportunity to upload until we find a house. In spite of all things, I feel at home here. Justin and I are constantly looking at the mountain range around us while we drive through town, and saying, "Can you believe we live here?!" It is so beautiful and a great testament to God's ability to create gorgeous things/places/people.

Monday, January 10, 2011

We're here!!!!

Hellooooo Colorado. :) We arrived Friday, January 7th, in the evening. Our things were picked up the week before we left, and we spent the final week in Kansas getting things finalized to leave. Justin feels very relieved to be done with active duty and all the paperwork that came with outprocessing! We spent time celebrating that relief over dinner with awesome friends on our last night in town. We sure will miss all the fantastic people we met while in the military.

The drive felt longer than normal, simply because we had to be in seperate cars. The wind was awful on our way here, but we made it! Saturday was a whirlwind getting things set up and making our room cozy. We are renting the back bedroom of my mom's apartment until we can find a house to buy. In the mean time, we're really enjoying spending time with her and saving some money while we're at it! It's nice to live near her again. :)

We ended up having to buy a mattress, because the air mattress we planned on living on while our stuff was in storage had a huge gash in it (assumedly from the move). So although it was not something we planned, the new mattress is a much comfier alternative!

Today we went to Justin's college and he registered for classes and bought his books. SUPER grateful that the military is reimbursing him for his school. And they give us a living stipend. Not too shabby! He's excited and I'm so glad for him. He is also going to find a part-time job to fill the rest of his time. I'm still looking for a full-time position. I've applied at the local colleges and universities for different positions, still hoping to stay in the field of education. Being that it's the middle of the school year, I don't see many opportunities to teach in the near future. And substitute teaching is just not going to cut it financially for us... we both know God has the perfect jobs lined up. My goal to be happy in my career is to work with people and use my degree to some extent. We will see what comes our way!

Once we get our jobs, we will begin the house search more aggressively! We've started a relationship with a great realtor and we know she will be excellent to work with. That's a whole new piece of exciting!

So, I guess to sum this state, no army, new jobs, new weather (more snow!!!!! :) ), new house soon, and closer to family. Rock on! Jesus keeps blessing the socks off of us. We give him all the glory for the success in our lives!