Friday, August 20, 2010

God has other plans. And aren't we glad!!

This week, I spent time in Orlando with my Dad. He flew from California to meet and help me search the area for somewhere we might like to live. Justin is at a training camp, and was unable to make the trip with me. And seeing that this is my first time purchasing a house, it took a lot of stress away to have my Dad here with me. The first day was somewhat successful, and he found some neighborhoods that might work. Ultimately, we were searching for somewhere quiet, safe, and a great place to raise a family. The next day we met with the realtor, and she was amazingly helpful. She showed us some properties, but it wasn't exactly what I thought we would find within our price range. I was a bit disappointed, but I thought I'd give it another go the next day. To cut this story short, Orlando is not the place for us like we thought it was.

Also, we've very much gotten used to the quiet lives we lead in Kansas. To think of moving to a huge city again wouldn't fit the ultimate desires of raising our kids in a peaceful place. So, the search continues. We have an idea of where to look next, but we're letting God have the reigns and lead us to his perfect plan. I take huuuuge comfort in that. At any rate, we will be done with the military at the end of December. Where we live after that is still up to Jesus.

Even though this week wasn't as "successful" as a I thought it would be, it was nice to spend time with my Dad. We found some cool places to eat, and spent a day in Cocoa beach. And I had frozen yogurt!!! BIG win, seeing that it doesn't exist where we live in Manhattan (and no folks...TCBY doesn't count!).

Well, better get to bed before my early flight tomorrow!

Lauren <3
"As for God, His way is perfect..."- Psalm 18:30

1 comment:

  1. you should check out Franklin, Tenn. That's where we'll end up soon! :) PERFECT for raising a family. :)
