Saturday, August 20, 2011

Since May....

Since May, a few things have changed. But...most things haven't. We still love our apartment, our pets, and living in Colorado Springs. Justin took summer classes, and is really enjoying and excelling in school. I'm glad he is able to focus on things without having to stress about a job. He starts fall classes on Monday, and is pretty pumped.

I continued my job through August, and my director position turned into day camp counselor for the summer. It was exhausting and stressful at times, and ultimately I wanted to be doing something more. I started my job search again...much to my dismay. As if I hadn't done that enough since I graduated... I was ready to be settled into a position.

And God worked in his perfect timing yet again! I was offered two wonderful jobs within hours of each other. I prayed for discernment and hoped I would make the right decision. With a huge peace in my heart, I was offered and accepted a job at our church as the office administrator! I just ended my first week, and I'm amazed at how fulfilled I feel. I am finally using the extent of the gifts God has given me! I love people, helping them, organizing, and creating. All of the reasons I wanted to go into teaching! But with the doors continually closing on teaching positions, I feel this is another great way for me to use my gifts to glorify God. I am thrilled to be working with such a great team of people!

Justin and I have also started training for my first (and his second) half marathon in October. We have been fairly active for the past couple of years, but this is the most I've ran in quite awhile. The closer we get to the race, the more running feels like a part time job. It feels incredible to be in this great of shape, and we still get to eat almost everything we want. :) We're still hiking, swimming, and biking on our off days for cross training. LOVE living in Colorado.

Summer here was not as hot as I imagined it would be. It topped out at mid-90's, and there was usually an afternoon thunderstorm to cool things off. I love the rain!

Now that we've been in this apartment 5 months, we have decided to resume our house hunt in December. Living in the apartment was great for saving money, but we're ready for a bit more space again and a yard for the pets. Excited for that chapter to unfold!

Since life has become a bit more uneventful, my blogging has become less frequent. That's all. Nothing personal. :) Til next time!! <3

1 comment:

  1. So glad you posted! Love hearing from you, in all forms. Glad the job hunt ended with something you are loving :)
